
Responsibly Recycling CD/DVD & other E-waste CD/DVD和其他电子垃圾的回收指南

2017-08-02 绿色倡议 绿色倡议

Take a few minutes and think about the collection of CDs and DVDs you have at home.  Now try and think of the last time you listened to a CD or watched a movie on a DVD.  If you are like the most of us, it has been a while.

回想一下你家里剩下的CD光盘有多少, 上次播放这些光盘又是什么时候?相信你和很多人一样,一定有一阵了吧。 

Most people have no idea how to responsibly dispose of discs, or that these small commodities have become a huge waste problem. The fact is, over 5.5 million boxes of discs are estimated to be discarded every year, and approximately 50 tons of DVDs become obsolete each month (source). These discs make up another increasingly large source of electronic waste (e-waste), as newer technology, such as online streaming and USB flash drives cards, render them cultural relics. 


(Netflix and other streaming sites are making DVDs and CDs obsolete Photo:http://bgr.com/)

How CDs and DVDs Are Discarded Now


The process of making discs consumes natural resources, produces waste, and saps energy. A bundle of 66 discs requires 1 kilogram of plastic, 19 cubic meters of natural gas, 1 liter of crude oil, and 200 liters of water (source). Typically, these are distributed among three primary layers:


1. A base layer made of a polycarbonate plastic, which is made from crude oil and natural gas extracted from the Earth.

2. A thin layer of aluminium, which is a metal element in the Earth’s crust, is used to coat over the polycarbonate plastic.

3. A clear protective acrylic coating, another type of plastic, is used over the aluminium layer  

4. Other materials such as dyes, water, glass, silver, and nickel are sometimes used as well


2. 起媒介作用的铝制薄层(能耗需求最大的材料)

3. 起保护作用的一层丙烯—另一种塑料

4. 在制造过程中,其他材料如染料、水、玻璃、银、镍也经常被使用

(Broken CDs are adding to the E- waste pollution Photo: Delta Institute)

How Irresponsibly Discarding Discs Hurts the Environment


Even the most eco-conscious among us may end up frustrated and toss CDs or DVDs into trash bins, simply because of a lack of accessible recycling systems for such items. As you can imagine, discarding discs is not environmentally friendly. Once they are discarded they sit in our landfills. As they decompose, they release Bisphenol A (BPA) into the soil, an industrial chemical that can be harmful to human health, particularly those working at or living near landfills. The decomposition process takes approximately 1 million years.


These facts and figures apply only to the discs themselves. The plastic cases containing them are even worse, as they are chiefly produced from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a human carcinogen.


(CDs and DVDs can not be recycled with other recyclables Photo: Netwaste)

The Good News


While-waste is a huge global problem and the world’s fastest growing waste stream, there are some positive trends:

(a) more public outreach is being done to educate people about the proper way to dispose of e-waste;

(b) many companies have the technology to recycle most types of e-waste, including discs; and

(c) discs are made of materials that have enough value to be recycled for use in other products


(a)      越来越多的活动正在进行中,告诉人们如何正确处理电子垃圾

(b)     一些公司有针对电子垃圾的解决方案,致力于用科技解决大多数电子垃圾

(c)      制作光盘的材料有一定的回收价值,可用于其他产品的制造

There are companies, such as Decluttr (in the US and UK), that will buy your old CDs and DVDs depending on their popularity and quality. A World watch article mentions how one recycling company in San Jose, California, processes 1million CDs every month, and in its second year of operation, the company recovered 20 million CDs, many from software companies disposing of excess inventory.


If selling your CDs and DVDs is not an option, then responsibly recycling them definitely is.Specialized electronics or plastic recycling companies clean, grind, blend and compound the discs into a high-quality plastic for a variety of uses, including office equipment, auto industry parts, and electrical cable insulators.



Some private and public initiatives do exist. Apple, Best Buy, Dell, LG, Samsung, Sony, Sprint, Staples and VIZIOall offer programs for either recycling electronics free of charge, or buying them back. Germany has “divided product responsibility,” which requires public recycling companies to accept e-waste, encourages manufacturers to take back their own products for disposal, and legally binds consumers to dispose of e-waste properly.


(DVDs waiting to be recycled Photo: Ecycler)

Unfortunately, most of these programs do not operate in China. After doing a fair amount research on potential local recycling solutions specifically for CD/DVD or e-waste recycling we did not find much information. The [WE] Project, by Green Initiatives, Baidu Recycle,  AiHuiShou (Chinese only) and YouDeMai (Chinese only) are a few that we researched, and that are doing related and relevant recycling. 


Baidu Recycling


Baidu Recycle, a web-based app that started as a collaboration between search engine giant Baidu and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 2014, is an e-waste disposal and recycling platform that aims to link individuals wishing to responsibly dispose of e-waste with proper, legal recycling and dismantling companies.


However, much of the app seems to be in Chinese, and our team faced several issues while attempting to use it. In addition, despite responsible and transparent recycling being one of the problems with e-waste disposal, the app has not yet confirmed who it works with. The intention, though, is right, and if further developed could be a great solution.


Aihuishou (“Love Recycling”)


Aihuishou’s website allows people to sell or recycle old laptops, phones, handheld game consoles, and tablets for cash or store credit, as well as trade in older models for a new one. Kuaidi will pick up and deliver devices to users’ doorsteps in Shanghai and Beijing, but users in other cities are responsible for their own shipping. Aihuishou’scollaboration with JD.com makes the entire process much more convenient and accessible.


A multiple-choice form, asking which functions do and don’t work, helps users calculate their device’s value.Aihuishuo then searches its database of certified dealers for quotes, and sends the device to professional refurbishers, who then resell the secondhand phones on Aihuishou’s marketplace.


Unfortunately, Aihuishou does not take devices that it thinks cannot be resold at a profit. So people who just want to get some old electronics off their hands will have to find another avenue.




Youdemai is a secondhand digital product resale platform, that provides all kinds of enterprise and personal e-waste recycling services, their main channel for sale being their website. Recycling categories include mobile phones, tablets, PCs, notebook computers, digital video players, gaming consoles, large consumer appliances, etc. Customers are able to take pictures of their appliances and upload to the Youdemai platform, where the company decides how much ‘value’ in rewards or cash to give back to its customers. Once collected (home pickup is available), the company then sends the equipment to trusted e-waste recycling company.


The [WE] Project


The [WE] Project was started by Green Initiatives in Shanghai in June 2016 to provide the community with a convenient and environmentally friendly way to dispose of unwanted and broken electronic products, including CDs and DVDs. [WE] recycling boxes are placed all over Shanghai, including publicly accessible boxes at Element Fresh, Anken Green, Anken Air and URBN Hotels, where people can drop off their electronic items that they no longer need.


The collection boxes are emptied every 1-2 months and taken to a certified dismantling factory, where materials are then responsibly extracted from the products. Plastic, glass, epoxy, gold, silver and copper can be used to make derivative products, such as agglomerates for benches and doors, among other things.


(WE Project Recycling process)

Now, Shanghai inhabitants can free up space in their homes or offices and help save the planet at the same time.


What Can You Personally Do to Contribute to the Solution


Switching to digital formats and online platforms to quench your thirst for entertainment could be the single biggest way to reduce the problem of CD/DVD waste. From an e-waste perspective, ensure that you buy only what you need, and buy good quality electronics from reliable and ethical companies that will ensure that the devices last long.


If you already have devices or discs that you no longer need, ensure they are responsibly disposed in one of the [WE]collection boxes in Shanghai.


If you work in an office, you can also contact us to set up a [WE] collection box for your colleagues convenience and the company to responsibly dispose of IT equipment.


The following article was written by Green Initiatives volunteers Joyce Wang and Ha Ly.

这篇文章由绿色倡议的志愿者Joyce Wang和Ha Ly完成。

On why Ha worked on this piece she says, “We are constantly chasing after newer technology and I am no different. Working on this piece gave me an opportunity to learn about how I can do my part in closing the loop of the consumerism cycle.” 

On why Joyce worked on this piece she says, ‘The pollution today is built up from the productions from yesterday, therefore, it’s important that, as the new generation, I am able to contribute to prevent such tragedy to recur. Working on this article is indeed a great opportunity to raise awareness on the e-waste issues and spread information about the effect a simple action can have on our planet.'

A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.


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