
Where to Buy “Ethical” Coffee in China? 在中国哪里可以买到“道德”咖啡?

绿色倡议 绿色倡议 2022-04-13

From our last two articles we have seen that coffee is not only one of the most traded commodities in the world, but the growth in coffee consumption over the last two decades has been enormous.


In China, consumption has steadily grown and is only bound to grow further. We have seen that it is not easy to shun the coffee-habit, so we have to accept that coffee consumption is here to stay. What we can do, though, is consume consciously. Conscious consumption means we consume ethically sourced coffee from growers and sellers who have produced it with respect to the environment, while paying a fair wage to those who produce it. 


[Read: “What is the real cost of our coffee?”]


To help you consume consciously we have created a list of organizations and businesses in China selling responsible, ethically-sourced coffee. Here’s that list.


[Note: If you know other organizations that are worth adding to this list please reach out to us so we can continue to enrich this list for everyone to benefit from.

注: 如果您知道其他值得添加到此列表中的产品和品牌,请联系我们,以便我们继续充实此列表,让每位读者都从中受益。]

But first, a brief history of coffee in China.


China’s Coffee History 中国咖啡

Although in China coffee has often been considered as something exotic, to many people’s surprise it has existed in the country since 1892. Yunnan and Hainan which are located between latitude 15 degree to Tropic of Cancer turn out to be great places to grow coffee beans and give their coffee a unique flavor.


As of 2017, export volume of coffee from China has reached 105 million kilograms already, of which 58% comes from Yunnan. In fact, in 2012, Starbucks opened a Farmer Support Center in Yunnan that aims to provide resources and expertise to promote responsible coffee-growing practices and processing methods.


We found a beautifully made documentary about coffee growing in Yunnan, called “Behind a Coffee Bean”. You can watch this short-film (8-min) here or by scanning the QR code below.

在这里向大家推荐一部讲述云南咖啡的迷你纪录片《Behind a Coffee Bean》,该片镜头细腻,画面优美,扫描以下二维码可观看。

So How and Where to Buy Responsible Coffee in China?


So what do I, as a consumer in China, buy to support these initiatives?


Apart from Gorilla’s coffee that you can buy from Wei Ya’s live-stream, there are a couple of other great ethically / directly sourced coffee products and brands that we have found from our research, that we would like to recommend. Please note, we haven’t ourselves directly purchased or tried any of these products, but all the information comes from highly reliable sources.



Hani Coffee 哈美尼咖啡

Hani Coffee Co. has established its operation in Yunan since 2014. Within 5 years, the brand has expanded to not only retail channels but also food service, bringing Yunnan grown coffee beans to consumers in China as well as North America. The reason we are listing the brand here is of course not to celebrate its commercial success, but advocate the values that it has been following all these years: sustainable growing, responsible sourcing and mindful consuming. It is a cooperation between:

哈美尼咖啡公司自2014年开始在云南开展运营。5年的时间里,该品牌不仅拓展了零售渠道,还拓展了餐饮服务渠道,将云南咖啡豆带给了中国和北美的消费者。我们在这里列出这个品牌的原因当然不是为了庆祝它的商业成功,而因为它多年来一直遵循的价值观: 可持续种植、兼顾社会责任的采购和有意识的消费。这个品牌的成型基于与以下两个机构的合作:

  1. The Yunnan Coffee Traders, a supplier that pulls Yunnan coffee farmers together with much emphasizes on sustainable growing and raising social conditions for the farmers and brings Yunnan coffee to the world. 


  2. Mountain Coffee roastery, roasting and retail experience for over 10 years, with a vision to see people grow and learn.


(Scan the QR code to visit Hani Coffee's WeChat Shop 扫描以上二维码,进入哈美尼官方微店)


Torch Coffee 炬点咖啡

Torch Coffee Company is located in Pu’er, Yunan. What Marty Pollack, its founder, does different is that apart from producing great quality and locally sourced coffee, he also founded Torch Coffee Lab Yunnan that offers coffee education like SCI (Sustainable Coffee Institute), SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) and CQI (Coffee Quality Institute) qualification courses.

炬点咖啡公司坐落在云南普洱。该公司创始人Marty Pollack的不同之处在于,除了生产高质量的本地咖啡外,他还创建了云南炬点咖啡实验室,提供SCI(可持续咖啡协会)、SCA(专业咖啡协会)和CQI(咖啡质量协会)等咖啡教育课程。

In Marty’s own words, “I hope through working with both retail side coffee professionals and Farmers, we can make a change in the way coffee is traded around the world.”


Go to Torch’s WeChat shop and have a look at the offers they have. If you happen to have the chance to travel to Pu’er, you will do well to pay a visit to Torch’s lovely Café at Gong Yuan 1 Hao, Building 108 Suite 138-139, Pu’er city.

(Scan the QR code to visit Torch Coffee's WeChat Shop 扫描以上二维码,进入炬点咖啡官方微店



Arabica Roasters 阿罗科咖啡

Arabica Roasters Company is a Wholly Foreign Owned Venture based in Beijing with 2 subsidiaries, one each in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Since its founding, it has been sharing the value of sustainable farming, fair price to growers and transparent trade chain. The company pays close attention to environmental matters in each steps of coffee producing, for instance converting their factory from using gas to using electricity to roast the coffee.


The Jane Goodall Fair Trade Signature Blend (500g) you are seeing, 10% of the revenue from the sales is donated to The Jane Goodall Institute China to promote environmental protection in China.

你们看到的是Jane Goodall公平贸易签名混合咖啡(500克),这个咖啡价格的10%会捐赠给珍·古道尔中国研究所,以促进中国的环境保护事业。

(Scan the QR code to visit Arabica Roasters' WeChat Shop 扫描以上二维码,进入阿罗科咖啡官方微店

Follow the official WeChat account of Arabica Roasters and join their upcoming events. 



Manlao River Coffee 曼老江咖啡

Manlao River Coffee originated from a farming project in Pu’er, Yunnan, that aimed to help local coffee farmers come out of poverty and make their farming sustainable. The project touched over 3,000 farmers and later developed into the current brand.


In 2018, the New York Times reported about Manlao River Coffee as “a full-bodied result that had pleasing bitter chocolate notes”.


"I myself made a purchase of this product and had it delivered to my work. Out of all their product varieties, this one best suited my office ‘facility’. A cup of hot water, and I have a nice cup of coffee to enjoy!"


(Scan the QR code to visit Manlao River's WeChat Shop 扫描以上二维码,进入曼老江咖啡官方微店

Imported Coffee Brands Sold in China – Ethical Sourced or Fairtrade Certified


We understand that many consumers are looking for more choices when it comes to purchasing their coffee. We have done further research and come up with a couple of imported ethical coffee brands selling through online channels. Purchase these since the links are not being posted since they change frequently, and often times, the authenticity of the product may be doubtful.


However, if you come across trusted, verified sources for the below you could consider giving them a try.



Gorilla Coffee 大猩猩咖啡


The brand comes from Rwanda Farmers Coffee Company (RFCC), a large-scale coffee roasting and packaging facility, that claims to be working with thousands of Rwandan farmers to help them move up out of poverty through their own production. All green bean come from farmers’ cooperatives, and all their coops are fairtrade certified, will all green beans fully traceable back to the farmers.




Mount Hagen


German brand, coffee from Papua New Guinea 德国品牌,巴布亚新几内亚咖啡

World’s first organic coffee produced in 1990. Today almost 100% of their organic fair trade Arabicas are imported from Papua New Guinea.Mount Hagen is 100% organic certified by EcoCert in accordance with the organic standards of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.



Conclusion 总结

It has taken us quite some time to gather these brands and products that we have been able to verify to be ethically produced, organic or direct sourced.


The important fact to note, though, is that for a country where coffee consumption is steeply and steadily on the rise, there were barely 4 locally-sourced, and a handful of imported, ethical coffee products/brands available to the consumer. 


So the next time you buy your coffee you may definitely want to ask yourself, “where is this coffee coming from?”


Our friend Maarten Hol, who is running Hani Coffee Co. and has helped us immensely in this research says,

我们的朋友Maarten Hol经营着哈美尼咖啡公司,在这项研究中给予了我们极大的帮助,他说

 “This simply sums up the state of the industry. The coffee industry is perhaps worse-off than the cocoa industry. More awareness is needed for these problems. And more communication on how to turn these challenges into opportunities, through education, and support for local communities and ethical brands.”

On our end, we have come to understand that coffee producers that adopt ethical and organic goals in China often find it “laborious to obtain, expensive to maintain”.


We hope the market can take a turn for the better, in the right direction, by having more local, ethical coffee in the future. And we, the consumers, have the real power to take the market to that direction by asking for, and making better product choices.


Buy consciously, consume responsibly. Appreciate every sip.


This article was researched and written by Green Initiatives' volunteer writer, Lin Ye, and Chinese translations were done by volunteer translator, Eileen Wu, and wechat editing was done by Erin Zhang. Thank you to all other people who chatted with us in the course of the article, and who sent us various useful resources to create this article.

This will be a work in progress - please share with us other ethical, sustainable, organic or direct-trade coffe brands you may have come across by sending an email to info@greeninitiatives.cn or wechat: greenimpact

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