

李冀宏 英语世界 2022-11-06






Ballad of a Lady from Chang’an

[唐] 韦庄

By Wei Zhuang

Tr. 李冀宏










In March of the third year of Zhonghe Reign as we know,

Outside Luoyang City willow catkins fly like snow.

There are no signs of pedestrians showing on any way,

So green willows standing quietly without dust to stay.

Suddenly seen is a flowerlike woman the roadside by;

Alone she’s in the shade of a green willow tree to back lie.

Her phoenix head-dress is awry, her hair disheveled now,

And she seems to be really sad with the knitted brow.

May I ask the lady, “from whence ye come here afar?”

Sorrowful, she’s chocked with sobs before her words out are.

Turning, she shows me respect by tidying sleeves of her dress,

Saying that she’s wandered here from war chaos as I can guess.

For three years in Chang’an occupied, I’d been left in the plight;

What happened over there is still fresh as if just in my sight.

If you can help me, sir, take the saddles off my horse there,

I’d like to stay for a while with you my sad story to share.








































In the morn on December the fifth of gengzi year,

I was engaged teaching to talk my caged parrot dear.

With the dressing case opened, I was in no mood to comb,

Just staying leisurely leaning against the rails at home.

Suddenly, traveling dust was seen to rise outside;

The golden drum was heard to spread far and wide.

People all ran out at a complete loss about their lot;

Officials back from court were unsure of the news they got.

Then from west side troops came into town pressed hard,

Ready to be dispatched to Tongguan Pass on their guard.

All said the royal guards kept the rebels out of each city gate,

So at the moment it’s impossible for them to drive in straight.

Very soon my lord rode back home in a state bad,

Off the horse and through the gate as if drunk or mad.

He said that the emperor had run out of town away

And the rebels’ white flags were flown on every way.

Taking the weak and young, people kept making calls,

All seized with great panic, climbing houses or walls.

The southern neighbors went to northern houses to stay

And neighbors from the east in west houses hidden lay.

Women from the north all gathered together to stay,

Outside noisy movements like animals running away.

The chariots vibrated the earth and sky with a huge sound;

Thousands of horses thundered as if from below the ground.

There were fires with flames and sparks reaching the ninth sky;

All the twelve streets were burning with smoke rising high.

While sinking in the west, the sun had lost all its light;

The God overlooked speechless with everything in sight.

Over the capital dark clouds and mists bearing down,

The Eunuch Stars all showed a bloody color over town.

Moved away with the monarch, the purple air did not stay.

By demon’s secret light, the Three Steps scattered away.

From family to family, blood like spring gushed out;

From place to place, ground trembled with sad cries so loud.

Dancing or singing girls were deserted to enemies

And abandoned alive were male and female babies.

There’s a girl with her brows newly painted in east town,

Whose beauty could cause a city or state to fall down.

She got on a chariot in a long dagger-axe’s power;

Her eyes were full of tears when she looked back at her bower.

Soon she’s compelled to sew a war flag with golden thread,

And she was also forced to learn to ride a horse ahead.

Sometimes when she saw her husband while on horseback,

With her tears rolling in vain, she didn’t dare to look back.

In western town there was a fairy of a girl besides,

Who was very beautiful with attractive ogling eyes.

When dressed up, she enjoyed her spring the mirror inside;

For her young age, she knew naught about affairs outside.

Then a soldier jumped upon her doorsteps with power,

And barebacked, the fair girl he attempted to deflower.

She resisted firm, staying indoors as hard as she tried,

So scent and powder vanished, by the knife the beauty died.

The woman with her surname unknown was from south side;

She had just married her good man as a happy bride.

Along the color-glazed steps she walked without sound;

Through the bead screens her figure’s vaguely seen around.

Then clanked heard was the sword from the yard that day

And soon her head and body in two parts, there she lay.

Heads towards sky, faces covered with hands, her sisters cried,

And then to go with their dear, they both jumped the well inside.

The lass in northern town got ready to flee in no delay

And her jewelry and dressings she immediately put away.

But soon she already heard hard knocks and hits at the gate,

So she climbed up onto the house before it was too late.

Yet soon the house was on fire with flames leaping to attack;

To come down by the ladder, she found it burned with a crack.

In smoke for help she loudly and desperately cried and cried,

But burned into ashes was her poor body the beam beside.

It’s lucky I, a humble woman, was spared from the sword,

So I did not dare to move slow or take a look backward.

I was forced to dress up and the rebel army to follow;

I had to lift my brows with a smile, and then out to go.

Since then on, I was unable to go back to my hometown;

My relatives all, I had to break up with them paying no call.






























Since I fell into the rebels’ hands three years had passed so;

All day long I was heartbroken to live in fear and sorrow.

At night I slept with so many spears and swords around;

In the morning in what I ate human liver was found.

Sleeping with a rebel soldier, as happy how could I see?

A life with robbed riches was never what enjoyed by me.

Unkempt and dirty, my man was a typical Red Eyebrow;

Many looks at him made his image an eyesore to me now.

Improperly dressed, the rebel army spoke dialects foreign;

To show off merits, they’d faces tattooed with words, so boring.

In the Censorate Office fox spirits were found to fill all posts,

And the Secretariat Office was full of monsters and ghosts.

They wore exquisite hair clasps when their hair was not yet long;

To sleep, they covered them with quilts, not taking off court gown.

Being key courtiers, their tablets they didn’t know how to hold;

As high officials, they wore upside down fish ornaments gold. 

In the morning, to report their proposals they went to court;

In the evening, so noisily they drank at bars pot after pot.

People all rose from sleep with start at daybreak one morning;

With a hubbub of voices they were whispering and talking.

Last night a mounted scout entered the capital to report

The royal troops Chishui Town recovered yesterday had got.

The town from Chang’an being one hundred li away,

If they set off in morn, in eve here they’d be able to stay.

At the news quietly crestfallen were all the bandits on horses;

Indoors the looted ladies all aired their joy in lowered voices.

They all asked their insult be avenged, which their hearts filled,

All demanding that day the gangsters should be surely killed.

Then after some time, a soldier galloping a horse to report

That arrived in the capital the royal troops had already got.

Senior and junior Pengs, generals under Huang were worried;

The Huang Chao brothers cried on horses which away hurried.

To all’s despair, without any news several days were gone;

All thought arms rebels headed by Huang had put down.

But by flying flags and wielding swords, they came back to fight,

Saying the royal troops were defeated with weakened might.

As Chang’an was surrounded, rebels’ grain supply was shut up,

Therefore the grain prices in town were dear as gold going up.

In Shang Rang’s kitchen there were only tree barks to eat;

On Huang Chao’s table there’s nothing served but human meat. 

The way to transport grains was cut off from the southeast side,

So the population dwindled with vales full of bodies inside.

Outside military camps starved civilians’ corpses lay around,

And inside camps soldiers died of hunger with bodies on ground.

In the great chaos of war what was left in Chang’an quiet so?

In the deserted streets and markets wheat seedlings did grow.

Trees in the apricot garden were all chopped up as firewood;

Willows along the royal stream axed make camps as soldiers would.

All the fine houses, embroideries, silks and satins were gone,

Half of the rich mansions behind red gates getting tumbledown.

Within Hanyuan Hall only foxes and hares were seen going;

Before HuaE Tower naught but thorns and thistles were growing.

The former prosperity had totally disappeared on the ground;

All looked dreary and the olden scenes could no longer be found.

Treasures in royal storehouses were burned into ashes so much;

Walking on Heavenly Street, noblemen’s bones one might touch.









































I walked out of the eastern gate in the morning that day,

The scene outside the city just like that of border I’d say.

Along the roadside one often met soldiers patrolling;

Downslope there were no people seeing friends off going.

Looking east at Ba Mausoleum, you couldn’t see human signs;

Around Mount Li golden halls vanished, though still with pines.

The former main road’s filled with thorns and bushes in sight,

And travelers stayed at the foot of moonlit broken walls at night.

At dawn next morning, the way to Mount Hua I reached,

The villages in ruins with population greatly decreased.

The fields and gardens there were overgrown with weeds;

No people would take care of ruined bamboos and trees.

Passing the temple, I went in to worship God Mount Hua.

The speechless god seemed to say, “I’m sadder than you are”.

Before the temple old cypresses with only stumps remained;

Inside the golden incense burner, full of dust, was so stained.

“Since the rebellion headed by Huang Chao began on Central Plains,

Murky heavens shrouded dark earth with wild winds and black rains.

The divine water on the table with incantation shows no power;

The ghost troops on walls can’t save people at the present hour.

In normal times I enjoy people’s worships and offerings in vain,

But at critical moment, to help them out of trouble I can’t strain.

As a god, I’m ashamed for I can’t save people with my power,

So I have to hide myself in the deep mountain at this hour.

But in my temple it’s a long time since I heard music last played,

And on the table of the temple no more sacrifices are laid.

Thus helpless, I have to dispatch ghosts to the villages nearby

To catch men as offerings so my life has means on which I rely.”

Hearing what has been said by the god, I have more sorrow.

As disasters fall from Heaven, both god and men helpless go.

Since even the god has to seek refuge in the deep mountain,

Against generals with troops in the east why should we complain?

On the day before yesterday I went out of the Pass Tongguan;

Raising my head, I saw far away the clouded Mount Jingshan.

I feel as if I came up to the world from the underground hell,

As it’s peaceful and leisurely, the place administered so well.

The chief general of Shanzhou had a loyal steadfast heart,

Never using troops for war, just defending the city on guard.

The general in chief of Pujin disciplined his soldiers so well,

So for hundreds of li there’s no clanking of arms I can tell.

Early in the morn, men carried money without being stopped;

Late in the eve, ladies wore gold pins without being robbed.

The next morn, the east skirts of Xin’an was passed by me;

There I met an old man, whom I asked for a cup of tea.

Being haggard, he had a face which was as green as moss.

He was found hidden among reed catkins being at a loss.

I asked the old man about where was his hometown

And why he spent nights outdoors in frost feeling down.

The old man tried to stand up, seeming to tell me his tale,

But then sat down again, holding his skyward head to wail.

He told me he was from Dongji County as a native guy,

And every year he farmed and raised silkworms nearby;

And he yearly farmed five hundred mu of fertile land,

Which produced three thousand taels of silver he’d in hand.

At home girls could weave satin with which gowns to sew

And middle-aged women could cook meals delicious so.

“We had hundreds of barns with thousand bags of grains,

But after the rebels passed only half was left as remains.

Since official troops came from Luoyang stationed in sight,

Their patrols came to the village to harass us day and night.

Like a snake from autumn water, they wielded the sword high;

With violent wind blowing, their white-tiger flags would fly.

Off horse to attack us like a whirlwind, they left us at bay,

And they plundered us like a mat rolling everything away.

My riches are gone and my dear ones separated from me.

Now getting aged, alone I’m living in the bitterness sea.

My own suffering and sorrow are not worthwhile to sigh,

There hidden deep in mountains thousands of families lie.

In day when hungry, I go picking berries in mountains deep;

At night against frost, on my bed of reed catkins I will sleep”.

I have heard the elder’s life story, which breaks my heart;

With tears rolling down like rain, I cry all day so hard.

When out, I see no humans but crying owls on the tree.

I’d like to travel further east, but where, no one tells me.

I’ve just heard the way to Kaifeng has already broken down

And there has been an internal strife in Pengcheng Town.

The wilds are covered with soldiers’ bodies fighting till dead,

And fighters’ blood flows into the river, half of which is red.









It so happens that there is a traveler from Jinling saying

The situation in South is different to people there staying.

Since the invasion of Central Plains by rebels’ bloody hand,

Fire and sword have never touched the peaceful Southland.

To get rid of bandits, chiefs there seem to have magic power;

They love people as their kids, who enjoy their favor’s shower.

The city defenses are strongly fortified as solid as rock;

The tax money to support the army is plentiful in stock.

All the other places are left in disorder like flooding water;

Only Southland remains smooth and peaceful like a mirror.

Though from Capital, to seek refuge abroad I am far away;

For safety, I really envy being a southern ghost today.

I hope you can sail east all the way rowing a faster oar,

So you’ll recite the long ballad to gentlemen on south shore.






