
译味译境 | 《满井游记》(英汉对照)

2017-02-25 商务印书馆英语编辑室



A Trip to Manjing

袁宏道 By Yuan Hongdao


It was typically cold in the north and winter normally lingered well after the Flowers’ Day. In addition to the coldness, piercing wind accompanied, blowing up the sand and the stones, which made an outside walk impossible and confined people indoors. I had made several tries for a walk, but was forced to return within a hundred steps.


On the twenty-second day of the second month, it turned warmer, so I went to Manjing with several friends through the Dongzhi Gate. Tall willows drooped down, forming lines on both sides. The vast field came alive, extending to the distance. Immersed into the fragrance of the slightly moistened rich soil, I felt like a bird breaking away from the trapping cage. 


The ice on the surface of the river started to melt, with the back waves propelling the front, resembling the glistening scales of a fish. The lucid water is transparent to the very bottom, like a reflecting mirror with a bunch of cold light pouring from a box. 


The continuous mountains in the distance looked as white as snow, as if they were bleached, reminding you of the face of some fair lady who has just finished her toileting, with a bob on the back of her head.The tender buds on the willows were shyly smiling, peeping at the outside world. The delicate ends of the willows were dancing, enjoying the gentle wind. 


Wheat in the field was one inch long, the length of a horse’s mane. The number of visitors had not reached the top by this time of the year, while the variety of the groups was great—some were enjoying tea by the lake, singing while drinking; others were riding donkeys in fancy clothes. Anyway, visitors of every conceivable kind are commonly seen.


When walking on foot, you must be all sweating despite the strong wind. Everything is enjoying the peace and coziness of life—birds bathed in the sunshine or fishes inhaling some fresh air. Happiness was commonly seen. I did not realize it until now that spring extended all over the country, but was unknown to the city.


I therefore concluded that I was the only government official who spent time admiring the nature without any influence on my work. I lived near here, therefore this would presumably start my tourist life, and it deserved a travelogue. It was the second lunar month of 1599.




