

点击蓝字关注👉 语言治理

The Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies is pleased to announce the International Conference (Un)Reality and Evidentiality in Language, Cognition, Society that will be held at the University of Cyprus on 24-26 October 2024 in Nicosia. The conference will provide a venue for scholars from Cyprus and around the world.

We welcome abstract submissions for 30-minute oral presentations (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the discussion) or posters of original, unpublished work in all fields of theoretical, applied, cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, translation studies, including but not limited to historical and comparative linguistics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, language contact, language acquisition, language education, second/foreign language teaching and learning, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, multilingualism, dialectal studies, intercultural communication, and artificial intelligence. We are also soliciting abstracts for presentations that focus on the acquisition, teaching and learning of heritage languages.

plenary speakers

Key Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 2 March / Extended until 4th May 2024All papers will be subject to a review process.Notification of decision: End of May 2024Τhe Conference: 24-26 October 2024

Abstract proposal types

Research Paper PresentationThis type comprises papers on completed or ongoing research that aligns with the conference’s theme and subtopics. The abstract must be presented in the following format: title, research background, methodology, results, and conclusion.SymposiumThe symposium is a session in which up to 5 research presentations on the same topic will be delivered over 90 minutes. The symposium proposer will invite both the contributors to participate, and a discussant who will give constructive and critical feedback on the presentations made. The abstract for the symposium should adhere to the following format: the title, the background, and your motivation to organise the symposium (i.e., the background research, the existing gaps, and the research question), and the description of your plan for running the symposium, including the names of the presenters and a brief overview of their themes.Panel DiscussionThe panel discussion will comprise a 90-minute discussion on a specific research topic. The proposer of the panel discussion will invite the panel participants to share their different views on the topic, thus facilitating the exploration of new perspectives in a less formal manner. Abstracts for the panel discussion should adhere to the following format: the title, the goal(s) of the panel discussion, the relevant background information and context, the motivation to organise the panel discussion (i.e. the background research, the existing gaps, and the research question), and a description of how the panel discussion will be run, including the names of the panelists and an outline of the key discussion points that will be addressed.Language Teaching Best PracticesWe are providing scholars, education professionals, and language teachers with the opportunity to share the innovations, approaches, and strategies they used in the exploration of the conference’s themes and topics. We plan to integrate the accepted proposals into 90-minutes sessions of up to 5 individual presentations. The abstract for this type should align with the following format: the title, the background research and your motivation to present your best practices, a discussion of what you wish to achieve or have already achieved in the use of this approach, a clear description of your best practice, the methods or methodological framework, the implementation of your best practice, the resources needed, the data obtained, and the demand for this approach.WorkshopProposals for workshops that centre around the conference theme and its sub-topics are also being requested. The proposals should delineate the adoption of a hands-on approach, with those that are accepted being conducted in 90-minute sessions. The workshop proposer will be responsible for organising the workshop. The workshop proposal should adhere to the following format: the title, the background information, and your motivation for running the workshop, and the potential audience. You also need to detail your structured plan of how the workshop will be run and your expectations of the target participants.


We welcome abstract submissions for 30-minute oral presentations (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the discussion) or posters of original, unpublished work in all fields of theoretical, applied, cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, translation studies, including but not limited to historical and comparative linguistics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, language contact, language acquisition, language education, second/foreign language teaching and learning, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, multilingualism, dialectal studies, intercultural communication, and artificial intelligence. We are also soliciting abstracts for presentations that focus on the acquisition, teaching and learning of heritage languages.The abstracts should be anonymous and not exceed the following word counts:
  • 300 words for the research paper presentations;
  • 300 words for the language teaching best practices presentations;
  • 300 words for the workshops;
  • 500 words for the symposium; and
  • 500 words for the panel discussion.
Please include keywords and submit your abstract either at:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=uraevlcs1

or as a PDF file to: lcs.conference2024@gmx.de

Contact Us

Conference organizer: Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern StudiesUniversity of CyprusGulshen Sakhatovagulshen.sakhatova@ucy.ac.cyKatherina Antoniouantoniou.p.katerina@ucy.ac.cyFani Lazari lazari.fani@ucy.ac.cy



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