
期刊动态 | Applied Pragmatics 2022年第2期

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Applied Pragmatics

主编:Zia Tajeddin | Tarbiat Modares University;Naoko Taguchi | Northern Arizona University

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Applied Pragmatics aims to enhance research on acquisitional pragmatics and hence accepts studies which have strong implications for teaching, learning, and assessing L2 pragmatics, including L2 English and other languages. We encourage submissions from a wide range of topics falling within the scope of the journal. The topics can be approached from various interdisciplinary perspectives like globalization, world Englishes, teacher education, critical pedagogy, and conversation analysis.






Zia Tajeddin and Naoko Taguchi | pp. 119–120

The pragmatics of English as a lingua franca

Juliane House | pp. 121–136

摘要:This study investigates the development of pragmatic strategies in study abroad among a group of upper-intermediate to advanced second language (L2) learners studying in English as a lingua franca (ELF) context. For this purpose, their use of epistemic stance markers (EMs) was observed before, during, immediately after, and six months after their study abroad over a period of two years. An analysis of our qualitative results found significant inter-speaker variations in the use of EMs. This close analysis demonstrates that learners with lower-level speaking skills relied more on lexical verbs and adverbs when expressing their epistemic stance than those with higher-level speaking skills. This finding is in accordance with previous studies. Furthermore, our qualitative analysis of two learners demonstrates their pragmatic development through a more nuanced hedged assertion, as well as the non-linear and complex nature of their development. In addition, the pedagogical implications of this study are discussed from the ELF perspective.

Teaching L2 pragmatics to young learners: A review study

Gila A. Schauer | pp. 137–158

摘要:This paper reviews research on teaching pragmatics – and more specifically speech acts – to young L2 learners from two perspectives: (1) studies investigating young L2 learners’ pragmatic competence and (2) studies examining the potential of different materials with regard to pragmatics instruction. The review of L2 learners’ speech act competence addresses cross-sectional and longitudinal developmental studies, as well as studies that examined the effects of specific instructional approaches, learning contexts or materials on young L2 learners’ pragmatic competence. The review of studies examining materials addresses both studies focusing on designated L2 teaching materials produced for the explicit purpose of foreign language instruction of young learners, as well as studies examining speech acts included in children’s books. The paper concludes with a discussion of issues relevant to young learners and the teaching and researching of L2 pragmatics.

The interface between instructed L2 pragmatics and TBLT research: A review of instructional materials

YouJin Kim | pp. 159–177

摘要:Over the past two decades, the theoretical backgrounds of instructed second language (L2) pragmatics studies have diversified, and instructional materials have been designed and implemented based on various theories of second language acquisition (SLA). As a result, the field of instructed pragmatics has made significant strides in developing empirically driven, effective instructional methods. Recently, researchers in the fields of task-based language teaching (TBLT) and L2 pragmatics have claimed there are synergistic effects when teaching pragmatics from a TBLT perspective. These researchers argue that both pragmatics instruction and TBLT approaches to language teaching highlight the importance of language use in authentic contexts and achieving communication goals. The focus of the current review article is on task design and implementation in L2 pragmatics research, particularly those studies which were conducted from a TBLT perspective. Pedagogical implications of these studies are discussed, and future directions for task-based approaches to teaching L2 pragmatics for both research and pedagogy are proposed.

Corpus linguistics in L2 pragmatics research

Julieta Fernández | pp. 178–198

摘要:In second language acquisition, corpus linguistics (CL) enjoys prominence as a methodology valuable for its descriptive power in the textual analysis of patterns. Within second language (L2) pragmatics, CL has been increasingly influential in shaping our understanding of learners’ pragmatic capacities and articulating new insights and possibilities. In this narrative review, I take a broad view of corpora in L2 pragmatics research with a focus on automatization, size, representativeness, temporal design, and annotation. This is followed by a review of representative research highlighting language proficiency, prosodic pragmatics, pragmatic particles and oral fluency, and pragmatics pedagogy. I conclude with future directions where the discussion centers on bringing CL and other methodologies together for pragmatic analysis and extending the use of these methodologies to more L2 pragmatic learning contexts.



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